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Package cedar.jetweb.model

JetWeb Object Model contains representations of physical data objects such as papers, plots etc.


Class Summary
Collision A collision describes a set of colliding beams & their energies.
MCProcessType Instances of this class represent a particular way of generating a physical process.
Model Unique set of parameters for a generator.
Particle A particle, with a name and energy.
PDF Container for PDF information contains the pdf name and lhapdf number also contains method for converting pdf number to string and vice-versa
ResultSearchPattern Container a general set of generators and parameters.
Run Represents a single Monte Carlo run.
RunSeries Unique set of parameters for a specific MCProcessType and generator.
RunSeriesCollection Collection of RunSeries which are associated with a single Model.

Package cedar.jetweb.model Description

JetWeb Object Model contains representations of physical data objects such as papers, plots etc.